AntChain Open Labs

Build Leading Open Technologies to Connect Web3 Researchers and Developers.

The Verge - Ethereum's Efficient Verifiable Query Technique: Verkle Trees

Introduction On the last day of 2023, Vitalik shared Ethereum’s roadmap for 2023 on Twitter, summarizing the progress of Ethereum over the year. The roadmap section “The Verge” described how Ethere......

Principle and Architecture of zkRollup

An Overview of RollupRollup is a category of blockchain Layer 2 scaling solutions. In Rollup schemes, operators of the project run a relatively independent Layer 2 platform underneath the expanded ......

An In-Depth Analysis of Smart Contract Forking in the Ethereum Ecosystem

Ethereum, one of the biggest ecosystems in the cryptocurrency world, has grown rapidly over the last several years. As of January 2024, there were about 64.34 million active smart contracts on Ethe......

Introducing 'Smart Intermediate Representation' -- An Open Sourced Compiler Framework for Smart Contract

Github Repo address: BackgroundSmart Intermediate Representation (hereinafter referred to as SIR) is a smart contract compiler ......

!! Emergency Alert!! Analysis of OpenZeppelin Arbitrary Address Spoofing Attack

SummaryOn December 8, 2023, OpenZeppelin issued an important security alert to the community via Twitter, stating that the integration of the ERC-2771 standard with a multicall-like method (wherein......

KyberSwap Attack Analysis: Unveiling the Most Sophisticated Cyber Heist in History

On November 23, 2023, a Twitter user, Spreek, reported that KyberSwap, a DEX aggregator and liquidity platform, was attacked on multiple chains including Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain,......

Web3 Tech Event - Workshop on ZK VM Gains Tremendous Popularity

2023年11月10日,由蚂蚁链AntChain Open Labs发起的ZK Virtual Machine闭门研讨会成功召开。本次研讨会邀请了Delphinus Labs创始人 & CEO Sinka Gao, Scroll zkEVM技术负责人Zhuo Zhang,山东大学Yu Chen教授,上海交大Yuncong Hu教授,EthStorage创始人Qi Zhou,zkMov......

Workshop on ZK-Virtual Machine

Hosted by AntChain Open LabsNovember 10, 2023,09:30 - 12:00 (GMT+8)Venue: Teleconference (invitation only) Thanks for all the responses to our Call for Presentations. Due to the time constraint......

Our Paper on Asynchronous BFT Consensus Presented in SOSP 2023

We are delighted to share that the research paper titled “Flexible Advancement in Asynchronous BFT Consensus,” co-written by AntChain and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, has been published at SOSP 2......

Stars Arena 攻击事件分析

2023 年 10 月 7 日, 仿盘项目 Stars Arena 遭到攻击。他们在 twitter 中表明合约中的资金已被攻击者抽干(,损失约 290 万美元。 几小时之后,Stars Arena 发推表示,他们已获得资金来弥补漏洞造成的损失,并......