AntChain Open Labs

Build Leading Open Technologies to Connect Web3 Researchers and Developers.

The Anatomy of a Crypto Heist: Dissecting The Attack on Stars Arena

On October 7, 2023, the SocialFi application, Stars Arena was attacked. They announced on Twitter that the funds in the contract were drained by the attacker, resulting in a loss of approximately 2......

Attack Analysis on Linear Finance

On September 22, 2023, Linear Finance—a cross-chain asset protocol—reported a malicious attack from the previous day. The attacker managed to mint an unlimited amount of lAAVE and then exchange the......

Linear Finance 攻击事件分析

2023年9月22日,资产跨链协议 Linear Finance 发布公告称其在9月21日遭到了攻击。攻击者可以无限铸造 lAAVE,然后在 Linear Exchange 上将 lAAVE 换成 lUSD。该攻击导致 PancakeSwap 和 Ascendex 上所有的 lUSD 流动性被抽干,进而导致 lUSD 的价格跌至零。


今天,笔者将与大家一起简单探讨模块化与Web3的基础设施发展。 模块化是近两年来备受关注的概念,尽管它的提出时间较早,但受限于技术发展、工程实现,该概念在近1-2年才真正有较大落地和实现。 传统的经典区块链架构可以分为四个层次:数据可用层(DA)、共识层、结算层和执行层,如下图所示。 一般来说,数据可用层存储交易元信息,......